Our society has an astounding and increasing consumption of materials. By 2050, three planets could be needed to provide resources for our current lifestyle. The world’s climate is the direct subject of how the global economy manages natural resources, and resource efficiency will be vital to meet the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals.
In this sense, the circular economy concept can influence how we manage resources.The circular economy can promote the responsible and cyclical use of resources. In recent years, a circular economy has been endorsed as a policy to minimise burdens to the environment and stimulate the economy. The recent New Circular Economy Action Plan intends to achieve carbon neutrality and more efficiency in resources and materials management in the European Union.The supply chain of materials can much benefit from circular economy strategies to recover materials and products. However, despite the benefits of keeping materials in the loop, there will always be environmental burdens and cumulativeuse of resources associated with a chosen circular economy strategy.
Thus, to target better policy towards a circular economy,indicators considering sustainability are needed. In the context of the Policy Research Centre for CircularEconomy (Steunpunt Circulaire Economie) promoted by the Flemish Administration, this doctoral dissertation aimed to develop circularity indicators of materials in supply chains.