Karl Vrancken

Promotor Circular Economy Policy Research Centre


We are on a journey towards the circular economy and the final goal is not defined yet.


Karl Vrancken (°1969), is research manager sustainable materials management at VITO. He has a part-time assignment as professor at the University of Antwerp (Dept. Bio-engineering), where he teaches sustainable resources management. After an education as a Doctor in Chemistry (University of Antwerp, 1995), he worked as a training and development manager in the environmental engineering industry. He has broad experience as a researcher and project manager in projects on waste management and treatment, secondary raw materials, best available techniques (BAT) and integrated pollution prevention and control. He worked as a Detached National Expert with the European IPPC Bureau in Seville (Spain). He is a working group member in the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (DG GROW), consortium chairman of the EEA European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials for a Green Economy and chairman of the European Circular EConomy Research Alliance. In the first half of 2015 he was seconded to start up the knowledge and innovation community (KIC) EIT Raw Materials, as interim Chief Operations Officer (iCOO). At present he is the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Innovation Hub CLCWest of EIT RawMaterials.

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