The transition to a circular economy requires a shift in the way businesses operate. Servicebased business models could potentially contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy. One of the most promising service-based models is product-as-a-service (PaaS). The flexible Belgian contract law allows parties to make their own arrangements in a contract, taking into account mandatory rules of law. No specific provisions in the Civil Code or other legislation specifically govern PaaS contracts. This means that the way in which the parties themselves give shape to their contractual relationship in the clauses of their contract is of utmost importance.
The main goal of this research report is to define clear model clauses for PaaS contracts, which reflect the expectations and intentions of the parties involved. The clauses cover all aspects of a contractual relationship, such as definitions, clauses substantiating the parties’ obligations and its termination. The annex to the research report contains around twenty pages of model clauses, which will also be made available through a dedicated website of the Flemish government. Interested parties can freely use these model clauses to shape their own contracts.